Cavitation 40 KHz, Bipolar Radio Frequency, tri-Polar Radio Frequency, hexapolar Radio Frequency with 640nm diode laser
Recurso 18

reduction Treatment

Recurso 14

Antigeing Treatment

Recurso 20

Tonification Treatment

Cavitation takes action in the rupture of the adipocytes’ membranes, allowing the triglycererids to be freed in interstitial spaces and then metabolized. This process leads to a rapid loss of adipose mass in the treated areas allowing the operator to sectorize the treatment, reducing where the patient presents the real necessity.

The flaccidity resulting from the loss of mass is treated by resistive Radio Frequency, which produces the denaturation of collagen fibers obtained by dermal overheating (controlled damage), which also stimulates the fibroblasts to produce new fibers. The 640 NM Laser diode of the Hexapular RF Handpiece acts further on the stimulation of fibroblasts.


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