

THR Wave is a pneumatic radial shock wave that allows effective anti-cellulite treatments and represents the main ally in cryolipolysis treatments, in which is highly recommended the association of shock wave therapy immediately after cryolipolitics therapy.
Recurso 17

anti-cellulite treatments

Recurso 14

tissue oxygenation

Recurso 16

increase in fiber of the fabric

Recurso 13

physiotherapeutic treatments of pain

The ergonomic handpiece, that allows an easy application of the treatment, acts by emitting a sound wave of great intensity (shockwave). The wave, spreading radially, acts on three treatment layers:
- The constant patter works by stimulating the muscle fibers, which by moving repeatedly and stiffening as a self-defense mechanism increase their trophy and firmness. - Mechanical stimulation, with pumping effect, increases the blood circulation of the treated area, providing nutrition and oxygenation to the tissues, and contributes to the movement of interstitial fluids, avoiding edematic accumulations and fighting liquids retention.

- The shock halo generated by the handpiece helps to break the accumulated fibrousness, making this device the most recomendad ally in anti-cellulite treatments.
Variable power and frequency adapt to the planned treatment, the 3 interchangeable heads allow its use in all areas of the body, the practical intuitive interface allows the operator to adapt the treatment parametersto the real patient’s needs, making the esiest and more comfortable working way thanks to the 8-inch touch screen.


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