Lipo-reducing LED laser with 650 nm light spectrum.
Recurso 12

Skin Resurfacing

Recurso 14

unblock limphatic system

Recurso 14


Thanks to the action of the laser diodes contained in the supplied pads, a laser radiation of 650nm wavelength is emitted deep in the skin.   The   used   wavelength   has   a   selective   affinity   with   the adipocytes  and  easily penetrates the skin  tissue  reaching  the  fat layer; here,  due to a  natural chemical reaction, the triglycerides are split  into   fatty  acids  and  glycerol;  these  are  transported  by  the lymphatic   system   and   eliminated  by  the  normal  physiological functions  in   a   completely   natural   way,   causing   a  process   of narrowing of the adipocytes with consequent loss of fat mass in the treated area. The laser wave also promotes the activity of fibroblasts in the production of collagen.

Among the benefits of lipolaser we can list:

  • Loss of kg in excess.
  • Targeted reduction of adipose tissue.
  • Unblock of the lymphatic system.
  • Orange peel apparel reduction.
  • Stimulation of the body's metabolic functions.
  • Improvement of firmness and elasticity of the skin.



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